Beauty Liphoscile-Phosphatidylcholine Injection

Beauty Liphoscile-Phosphatidylcholine Injection

Quick Information

Beauty Liphoscile-Phosphatidylcholine Injection

Specification: 250mg/5ml

Fuction: Body Slimming Products

Brand Name: ComelyBeauty

Usage: IM or SC

Package: 5 amps per tray per box

Beauty Liphoscile-Phosphatidylcholine Injection

Quick Information

Beauty Liphoscile-Phosphatidylcholine Injection

Specification: 250mg/5ml

Fuction: Body Slimming Products

Brand Name: ComelyBeauty

Usage: IM or SC

Package: 5 amps per tray per box

Product name Beauty Liphoscile-Phosphatidylcholine Injection
Specification 250mg/5ml
Package 5 amps per tray per box
Shelf life 36 months
Function weight loss,body slimming
Usage IM OR SC
Storage Phosphatidylcholine Injection should be contained in brown glass ampoules because it suffers degradation when expose to light.The recommend storage temperature: store under refrigeration (4℃~9℃), although there is no reference to this medicine being sensitive to temperature.
Delivery time The package usually arrives worldwide 4-6 working days after receiving the payment



The technique used for body slimming and obesity treatment was subcutaneous infiltration with undiluted phosphatidylcholine (250mg/5ml).The injection was injected into the fat deposit following a multi-injection pattern according to the shape of the fat deposit. The amounts of phosphatidylcholine injected into each fat deposit ranged between 5 ml and 30 ml per application according to the individual needs of the patient.
For the detailed injection parts and dosages, please see the table here below.

Injection parts Dosage per administration
Abdomen/waist/hip Inject 0.7~0.8ml on a spot and move to next half an inch or a centimeter distant.
Face (double chin) For those areas with small fat deposits were infiltrated at only one central point, whereas in larger areas, the injections were at equidistant points of approximately 1 cm. At each application site, 0.2ml was injected, totaling 0.2 to 5.0ml (10-250mg) per session.
Other parts such as armpit, upper arm, back and thigh Adjust (mostly less than abdomen/waist/hip) injection quantity according to the obesity degree of the part to be injected.


It does not matter if there are any particles present in light inspection, just shake well before use.